The Morning Work Out Guilt Trip

After not working out for 2 mornings in a row, due to a minor injury/illness I’ve been dealing with, I finally got out and ran today. Although I was exhausted, as Hudson decided to bark all night for whatever wonderful reason, I pushed through it and ultimately was happy I did. As always.


This is so true. ^

Let me tell you though, this girl was dragging through the work day. There was even a little head bobbing action at my desk. I REALLY need to get back on an early bedtime schedule. That weekend trip to Blacksburg kind of killed my early night-early morning routine.

I feel like I am in a constant battle lately between enough sleep and exercise, while trying to keep up with summer classes and being a dedicated intern. I think I feel a sweat coming on thinking about it.

If I don’t get up at 6 AM to work out before I get ready and leave for work, I feel this intense  overdramatized sense of guilt. Am I alone in this morning workout guilt trip? I feel like I am letting myself down, and can actually feel a difference in my mood, alertness and overall being.

I mean it’s not a bad thing that I feel this dire need to get up way before most to get my exercise in, but in retrospect, I feel like in my head, I take it too far. In my head, it’s kind of-sort of the end of the world if I stay in bed that extra hour and a half or so. So as you can imagine, these past couple of days have been a bit torturous.

I know its a definite possibility to workout when I return home from work, but at that point, in my head, it’s way past due and I might as well wait until tomorrow. No way can I fathom getting a work out in after an exhausting day of work anyways. Plus, after work is school time. Oh the joys of summer classes.



That’s a grilled chicken, spinach, hummus sandwich! So delicious.

After work snack:

Pink Cripps apple slices w/ cinnamon & an almond butter blondie 🙂 Image


Parsley Lemon Onion Artichoke QuinoaImage

I was personally not a fan of this dish, but I did think it looked pretty. The parsley was overkill for sure. It made me sad too because I love quinoa and have never not enjoyed it until today.

Good news though–

Tomorrow at the office there will be free 10 minute massages! I signed up for the 11:20-11:30 slot. I’m ecstatic, considering massages are one of my favorite things of all time. I can talk more about that on a later post.

Well I’m gonna have to say goodbye now. This way I don’t have to complain any more  than I already have about this topic. Let’s just nip this one in the butt and say lights out.

Good night.