Thin Crust for Me Please

Happy Monday all!

Work out:

  • 2 mile run (steady w/ 1 long sprint)
  • 250 abdominal exercises
  • Planks (1 min/front, left, right)

I was running  a little low on time this morning, as I somehow managed to fall back asleep for another 15 minutes after my alarm went off (On a Monday? What are the odds?). Oh well, it served as motivation to run faster. You must look at the good in the bad always, right?

Workout gear:


If the weather permits, I definitely prefer working out in a tank top. When doing different exercises, t-shirts always seem to be in the way. Plus, they’re that much hotter.



At work today, we had another intern come aboard, so a small group of us went out to Uno’s for lunch. No biggie though, because I knew I could get one of their very delicious and colorful thin crust pizzas that I wouldn’t feel that awful about eating.

And that I did.




I wasn’t used to this much food at once and definitely should have taken more home, but I’m still stuffed from our 12:30 PM lunch and it’s now almost 6 PM. That never happens.

As for now, I am about to head off to my Econ class, for 4 fun, long hours…

I’m just going to bring some snacks and probably chomp away during class if I get hungry. Still wondering if my professor regrets telling me it was fine if we ate in class, as I’ve eaten pretty crunchy things in almost every class we’ve had so far. Sorry not sorry.

I’m pretty sure this is my second to last class though, so no complaints here. My professor is pretty good at what he does, considering he’s managed to teach the material fast enough to where we have 2 weeks to spare and I understand every bit of it. No wonder he won professor of the year…
