Watermelon Island

Greetings from Watermelon Island!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have made a trip to Watermelon Island in effort to detox my body to kick off my summer of raw-someness!

In short, I only ate watermelon during this time period, as eating just one type of fruit as a mono-meal is the absolute easiest for your body to digest. This simplicity allows it to work on others things, like flushing out any built up toxins. This time also allows for you to become more in-tune to your body’s satiation. Because you stop tasting the watermelon as vibrantly as you once did, you begin to truly rely on listening to your body to know when you’re truly satisfied. Another benefit is the aftermath of higher appreciation for the simple pleasures of other foods.

I have tracked each day to give you a play-by-play on what exactly I was experiencing.


Day 1 – Sunday, May 24

I started off my morning with a nice gym session of cardio on the bike and strength training for my legs. As soon as I came home, I had my first delicious taste of watermelon. I ate about a quarter of it for breakfast, spoon and bowl style. A couple hours later, I finished the entire watermelon for lunch, eating the remaining half with a spoon.


Later that evening, my parents picked up pizza, my pre-vegan, favorite pizza, a true test of self-control. In efforts to be creative, I decided to make a watermelon slushy. I made this out of the next quarter of the second watermelon.


Summary — My first day started off strong, but ended weaker than I would have liked. During breakfast and lunch, I was doing well. When it got later in the day, I couldn’t help but want something a little more hardy, with a different texture and different flavor. I realized that the watermelon gave me quick surges of energy that would last for about 30 minutes tops. I would then feel super low levels of energy, which I was most definitely not a fan of. My head felt cloudy, occasionally painful and I felt as though I couldn’t think clearly.

Day 2 – Monday, May 25

I woke up feeling pretty great, although I was not thrilled knowing that my entire day would consist of watermelon again. I did notice my skin felt softer and looked very clear, even and glowing. However, I did not feel up for a workout. This did not sit well with me.


I sliced up almost half a watermelon for breakfast, and spooned it out. Around noon, my family and I went to the Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. for the remainder of the afternoon. I, of course, was prepped and ready to go with my watermelon.

I was a little worried, as I didn’t know what type of weather/standing conditions we would be under, but it ended up being quite a relaxed atmosphere. We snagged a shady spot and sat on blankets while we enjoyed the patriotic festivities. I felt fine during this, but definitely kept myself energized snacking on watermelon every 20-30 minutes or so.IMG_9909IMG_9921

When we arrived home around dinner time, I cut myself another quarter of watermelon to devour. I took a little nap and came back for another big, round slice of watermelon a couple hours before I went to bed. I noticed the times I would get up from sitting, I would feel dizzy and would see colors as I gathered my bearings and started walking.

Summary — Day 2 was a bit rougher. As I began my day knowing of the low energy levels, cloudiness and headaches I would be receiving, it definitely had me more conscious of when they did come around. Eating watermelon alone definitely put me in a weaker, more vulnerable state — a feeling I am definitely not used to. It also seemed as though every smell of food I sensed aroused my hunger — even foods I never would be drawn to on my normal plant-based diet. And when I knew I couldn’t consume any of those amazing scents I was experiencing, it just made me want to close my eyes and sleep.

Watermelon Island cancelled — I made the executive decision to end my Watermelon Island trip at breakfast on Tuesday morning, today. I understand that a detox may have you feeling more tired than normal and overall a bit different, but I just had a feeling that my body was trying to communicate with me that it didn’t like this.

I applaud those I know that have done this Watermelon Island detox for as long as they have…2 weeks anyone? I know that I could physically do it, but  the mental part is what is most difficult. Perhaps if I was actually on a deserted island with nothing but watermelon, but being in today’s society, living with a family that is constantly cooking and eating such flavorful, enticing foods, I just couldn’t.

Now I like to think I’m a pretty self-disciplined individual, but with a mix of signals coming from my body and the knowledge that I can sustain myself just as health-consciously with a variety of other healthy, simple foods, I just couldn’t continue with the watermelon. I couldn’t bear to not have my normal energy levels, enough so that I didn’t even feel that I could work out. Problem.

I am proud of myself for completing a full 48 hours on this Watermelon Island detox, and I already feel as though I am experiencing the benefits. Two days and three watermelons later, my first meal of the day off the island was breakfast — a banana, blueberry, spinach, almond milk smoothie bowl. It’s true what they say about appreciating foods so much more post-island. The flavors of the smoothie bowl seemed to dance around in my mouth, as if they too were celebrating my arrival home.

If anything, I think Watermelon Island has helped me reach my goal of a smooth transition to a summer of simpler, more raw eating. It’s easier, better for you and makes your body feel fantastic, and I couldn’t be more excited for the foods that await me!

All in all, I’m glad I was able to experience this Watermelon Island adventure, but from now on, I’ll be staying on my own soil.

Chow for now.

College Vegucated

Hello all & happy summer…or at least to the college students out there!

This summer does not only signify the end of classes, but the end of an era — my years as a student, which honestly feels like my entire life.

I have officially graduated from Virginia Tech with a Bachelors of Science in Marketing, with minors in Spanish and International Business! I feel grateful beyond words for the opportunity to have attended this amazing university, for the people I have met and the experiences I have had. For these are what have shaped me into the individual I am today.

On my cap are my words to live by — I realize I must lead by example. Also, featured is The Veg Club of VT logo I so proudly created.

I would like to take this time to bring it back to my parents and what a blessing they have been through it all. Whether it was 7 hours, 4 hours, or a plane ride across the Atlantic away, they had my back through whatever…not to mention funding the whole sha-bang.

Mom Kathy & Dad Phil

Looking forward, I could not be more excited for what my next adventure might be. That’s right. I still am unsure of exactly what I will be doing with the rest of my life, but somehow I am content with that. If I’ve learned one important thing in college it’s too find a sense of calm in the craziness. Trust that everything will work out.

It’s not that I am a clueless grad that is confused on what to do next. I actually know exactly what I want to do and have had direction in my career goals for quite some time. I am hopeful and feel positive about where my life will go next. Those that have followed my blog through out the past two years have grown with me and experienced my transformation as a college student and health enthusiast and observed me ponder on what my true life calling is.

Onto the next!

I am undoubtedly following my dream to work in the natural foods industry in hopes to ultimately better the world through improved nutrition, sustainability and overall consciousness. Yes, I’m one of those “I want to change the world”-ers.

I do have one particular company in mind. I’ve had a school girl crush on it for a few years now, and in turn, have been picky to say the least when it has come to finding a job. Sure, I would have loved to have a job prior to graduation, BUT I would also love to have a job that I LOVE.

I’m a bit stubborn when it comes to things I am passionate about, but I like to call it perseverance.

For those that know me well, you know the company I’m talking about. For those that don’t, only time will tell.

Alright, back on topic to health and nutrition — the reason I first created this blog (2 whole years ago!).

As much as I enjoyed college, there were certain aspects that didn’t necessarily thrill me. The societal norms for college life consist of heavy drinking, late nights, fast food, “study” drugs, high caffeine intake, minimal sleep and high amounts of stress. I will not be missing ANY of these things or being in an environment where they are oh so prevalent.

As much as I put forth my best effort to carry out my plant-based lifestyle of health and vitality, I was, too, sucked into the college warp of unhealthiness from time to time.

As silly as it sounds, one of the most exciting things for me post-graduation is to not be surrounded by these negative social norms spring loaded with peer pressure.

Post-grad I see myself focusing on ME, and all the good that will come along with that. It has only been 4 days since I have been home, free of alcohol, late nights, unhealthy foods and stress, and I have been feeling absolutely incredible. I have already noticed a difference in my appearance, energy levels and attitude.

While I know these unfortunate negativities are inevitable in the way our society is currently structured, I know that with the direction I want to take my life, and the focus I have to do so, I should be pretty good at limiting these, if not cutting them out completely.

Plans for this summer? Whipping out career pursuit efforts left and right, while focusing on improving the plant-based lifestyle I already sustain.

As I’ve mentioned before, the raw vegan diet has been an intrigue of mine since last summer. I’ve been telling myself that this summer is when I will transition, so here I am all about that carpe diem life.

I will be kicking off my “going raw” summer with a little trip to Watermelon Island.

What is Watermelon Island you ask? Watermelon Island is a detox for your hard-working bod consisting of mono-meals alone. Mono-meals are meals made from one ingredient only for a set period of time. Pick a fruit of your choice and go for anywhere from 3-14 days, and experience the amazing cleansing benefits for your body. This time on the island allows for your body to rid itself of the toxins it has stored up and ultimately has your digestive system running at optimal efficiency. On top of that, you become more in tune to your body, particularly satiation. Because the watermelon, or fruit of your choice, will eventually lose its flavor, you will stop eating when you are truly full. After the cleanse, foods become more flavorful and more enjoyable. I’ve had friends and many bloggers I follow complete these “islands,” and reap fantastic results, so I figure it’s my turn!

This looks like about the amount of watermelons I will be buying!

I plan to depart to Watermelon Island this Sunday and come back next Tuesday. I will be sure to post about my venture!

I am going to cut myself off here, as I know this blog post is already quite lengthy. Thanks for those that have stuck with me the whole way through! I apologize for the huge lapse in time since my last post. Senior year really did throw me for a loop.

I promise you this summer you can count on some very cool and regular blog posts coming at ya!

Well, chow for now! 🙂